We all know that a car must have fuel to operate. But, did you know that a car can be made more fuel efficient with proper service and maintenance? Cleaning the fuel system regularly can remove engine deposits, clean cylinders, make sure moving parts are free of debris and help your car’s exhaust system and catalytic converter last longer.
The right fuel system cleaning treatment can do wonders for your vehicle’s performance. Dirty fuel systems create sluggish cars, dirty spark plugs and low fuel mileage. Injectors spray fuel through an injection nozzle into the combustion chamber. Ideally, injectors will spray a fine, cone-shaped mist of fuel vapor. Deposits and wear can cause these injectors to spray inefficient streams of fuel onto the chamber. These streams of fuel burn poorly and rob your car’s performance causing hesitation and other performance problems. Fuel injection cleaning involves removing deposits from the injectors, fuel lines and adding a clean fuel filter to your vehicle. Dirty fuel and inefficient fuel systems also can lead to more expensive repairs. One of the major causes of premature catalytic converter failure is improper fuel burning. A new catalytic converter can cost thousands. A bit of preventative maintenance on your fuel system can save you from costly repairs or system replacements. |